Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Homeschool Memoirs #15: A Thankful Heart

This week's Homeschool Memoirs calls for 27 things we're thankful (U.S. Thanksgiving being on the 27th this year).
So, here is my list...
  1. My husband of 13 years, Mike, who makes me laugh and who loves me...
  2. Caleb, who teaches me more than I teach him
  3. Bekah, who always makes me giggle
  4. Elisa, who always is there to cuddle or give me a hug
  5. Jesus, who loves me no matter how much I mess up
  6. Forgiveness....
  7. My new house. What an answer to prayer that we had to wait, and wait to sell, but ended up in this house...
  8. My parents, sisters, and brothers, even though we don't always see eye to eye...
  9. My friends...I have an abundance of friends, in many different aspects of my life....they are my family, sisters when I feel abandoned by my "real" ones.
  10. Danielle, who has been my friend for 10 years...and closest to me at heart, though we live thousands of miles apart...
  11. My in-laws, who are very good to us.
  12. always makes me happy
  13. Dancing...I don't know which I love better, singing or dancing, and I am so thankful I have been given the gift to do both....
  14. Mike's job...we were very blessed last year when he got this job. Not only does he enjoy it more, the doors closed this summer at his old job.
  15. Living in Tennessee...I can't believe it has been 7 1/2 years, but I can't imagine living any place else....
  16. Staying home with my kids....I can't imagine a day without them...
  17. Laughter...though mine may be very loud, I do love to people and with them!
  18. Our has been a rough year for us...but we are all healthy...
  19. Games...
  20. Living on a cul-de-sac and watching my kids ride their bikes in the road...
  21. My church, and our ministers...
  22. Those two people, who come and spend every Sunday with us...and who better not leave us....
  23. My job...though I may not always want to leave to get is too much fun coaching gymnastics...
  24. Coffee, which I never enjoyed until I started homeschooling, but now is so comforting in the morning.
  25. Whipped cream...because it helps my sugar cravings...
  26. My computer...oh, I do love checking my email and reading blogs...
  27. My I am with a husband, 3 in is good...


Tami said...

I LOVE this! I can say a loud AMEN to almost everything on your list. Here's to being thankful for our MANY blessings...

:0) Tami

LadySnow said...

Wonderful!...Love that you added whipped cream to the list. :D

Sarah at SmallWorld said...

Would that be cool whip, or actual whipped cream?

Bahamablessings said...

Your blog is beautiful. Great answers too. You can visit my website too

Bahama Blessings
Heidi Jo

KarenW said...

I treasure being home with my family. It was so hard when I was working. Enjoyed reading your list. Have a happy and blessed Thanksgiving!